Friday 7 September 2012

How to Grow Your Practice Through Partnerships and Collaboration With Others

When I first started in my business, I felt very much alone. I had this feeling of pulling all the weight by myself; I felt isolated in all of my efforts to grow my business.

As soon as I started collaborating with other people, I began feeling like nothing was impossible! I would come up with an idea, approach someone who could help me achieve this idea and we would soon a have a win-win-win partnership going. Why do I say win-win-win? Becausethe fundamental principle behind partnerships is enhancing what you offer to your clients. So the win is for your clinic, for your partner and for your patients.

As it turned out in my business I found some wonderful partners where I LEAST expected them! One of my collaborators was right under my nose for an entire year, until I finally realized what a great partner she would make.

Another partner was such an influential person in my business community, I felt too intimidated to even approach him! A year later, I found the "right key" to his door and now we continuously collaborate on various projects.

What I learned in working with my partners is that nothing is impossible! With the right idea, the right approach and the right timing, you can find yourself being partners with some of the biggest players in your profession!

So, if you think collaboration is not "important" - think again. Time and time again, I find that collaborating and partnering with others helps me grow my business faster and it is liberating and fun!

Today you will learn...

what collaboration isthe benefits of collaboration, and what happens if you don't collaboratehow to get started and create your ideal partnerships

What is collaboration?

Collaboration, when done right, makes everything easier. Everyone can collaborate. Collaborating is the "extra" in every extraordinary physical therapy practice. If you're like many other physical therapy clinic owners, you might find yourself overwhelmed and unable to grow in the business, or grow your business, without putting in more time and effort doing the same old things. Collaboration will allow you to multiply your efforts, save time and money, and uncover the resources and opportunities you need to become extraordinary.

The biggest most successful projects I've seen come to life are the direct result of two or more people coming together. Combining their unique talents and creating something extraordinary. Collaboration happens every day amongst professionals like you and I. Partnering and collaboration are simply this - bringing two or more people together for a common benefit or purpose.

Here are just a few examples of how collaboration works:

Physical therapy clinic + gym facility = a new program for baby boomersPhysical therapy clinic + cancer association = an incredible new service for breast cancer survivorsPhysical therapy clinic + sports team = an integrated approach to sport injuries

Collaboration and partnering liberate you from your time and resource constraints and are a way to share risks, costs, and resources.

Are you working harder than ever? Do you feel you have ever increasing obligations, commitments, and responsibilities? It is difficult doing it all, and doing it all yourself. I know how this feels.

Collaboration, when done right, makes everything easier.

Here's what can happen when you collaborate

Here's what's in it for you, if you develop the right partnerships, with the right people.

You can offer your customer a larger variety of products or services. This will allow you to spend less time and money developing new products or services to sell.Your marketing will increase. When you form partnerships with other businesses you both share marketing efforts and costs.Your business will have a larger number of skilled people working on the same project.You will gain competitive advantage by reaching a larger target audience. You will also increase your number of clients.You will add more credibility and visibility in your business, and gain trust in your potential new customers.You will expand your business more rapidly.You will improve your customer service, customer loyalty.In partnering you can have the opportunity to develop a stronger branding identity.

Through collaboration, you will uncover the resources and opportunities you need to grow your business. You will turn obstacles into opportunities and find opportunity in the most unlikely places.

What will happen if you don't collaborate?

your business may not grow at the rate you want because you will continually struggle with time and resource challenges;your innovation will be curbed because you won't be learning from others;you are not likely to stand out and be recognized in your client's minds.

Get started and form your ideal business partnerships

Physical therapy practice owners often ask me how they can form partnerships with others.

How can I form partnerships with others?

What do I have to offer other businesses?

Is it really that important to growing my business?

My answer to this last question is always an unequivocal "yes"! It is really that important to growing your business - with more ease and less struggle.

Collaboration is not only important to growing your practice, it is essential to growing your practice.

If you are ready to start to create your ideal partnerships now, start by answering these key questions and then take action!


When you have identified a target group for your practice and your marketing initiatives, this exercise is much easier to do.

If you haven't already identified a target audience, then answer these questions for your clinic as it is today, and from the perspective that you want to grow it and get more clients.

The first step is to answer this question...

What do I want from a partnership?

Do you want...

Increased exposure?Recognition?New clients?A way to reach your new target audience?A way to expand the services you offer to your clients?Attract new prospects?Streamline your operations?Strengthen your brand?

Here are some ways and ideas for partnering to get what you want...

sponsorships,presence in each others' newsletter,interviews,hold a joint workshops, joint presentations at a conference,write an article,serve on a business advisory committee,join a mastermind group, form a mastermind group,promote your suppliers,get bonus gifts from key players in your industry,approach charities to become sponsors of your business,use an incentive plan for your key team members,ask your friends and family for help,request referrals,private label some of your materials, or appreciation gifts,partner with your clients to get referralspartner with your providers and team.create your own personal networking group or business development community.

The second step is to answer this question is...

What can I offer to a partnership?

Here are some thing know you can offer...

knowledge and expertise,a program, connections,special skills or talents,special resources,time and energy

Four action steps you can take right now to create your own

collaborative partnerships

Step 1:

Make a list of 5 businesses that target the same clients or patients as you do.

Step 2:

List 5 specific people you know in each of these businesses, or people you know who might know someone in these businesses.

Step 3:

Find out more about these businesses and what services they offer, by looking at their websites, and talking to others about them.

Try to figure out what may be something they would like that you have. Again, it could be: increased exposure, recognition, new clients, to retire from business?

Step 4:

Come up with a partnering idea that is an idea so beneficial to THEM, they won't be able to refuse! Be creative. Think about all of the ways you could bring value to each other.

Here are some potential ways to bring value to each other:

Pass referrals on to them for something specific - physicians are a good example of partnering that you promote in the reverse.Connect people to each other (people might be good partners for each other, or customers for each other, etc.)Give away some of your valuable materialsTeach them something that you have expertise inAcknowledge peopleGive a commitment for referrals.

Approaching your potential partners

Always approach your potential partners with how you can help them. Open your conversation with a question or an offer to help. For example, are you looking for more business? Who is your ideal customer?

Then generate win, win, win ideas that help you, them, and the potential customers.

Physical therapy practice owners who want a better work-life balance and a smooth running operation with high client numbers learn how to have all of this. Erika Trimble President of Prosperous Physical Therapy and Business Coach has created the first ever business training programs dedicated exclusively to practice owners. Visit us at

Prosperous Physical Therapy

Copyright @ 2012 by Erika Trimble All Rights Reserved

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